Sunday, 17 July 2011

One week, five peeps, seven shots each...

OK, here it is. The first week of the photo blog as previously mentioned.
The rules were to take a picture a day - anywhere of anything and see what you get at the end of the week, and then what sort of collection we get when everyone's documentary of their week is put together. We haven't all managed to get the full seven...first week...
The idea is to hone the observation skills, search for the extraordinary in the ordinary and make a habit of  practicing one small creative act each day.
In case you know any of them, the participants are - 
Nerida McMinn, Jase John, Amber Mercer, Ali Wass and me!

From Nerida - 




From Jase - 



From Amber - 




From Ali - 

And mine - 




By  happy coincidence, there was a feature in todays' episode of ArtNation (ABC TV) on mobile phone photography - check it out here
or on their facebook page 

Anyway, it was a fun week and I'm keen to keep going...everyone else in?


  1. Hey Nell,
    Great idea and cool shots from all ya peps ... are you doing it again, or am I meant to send more for you???

  2. nell, love these pics! the cobwebs!!! the bike ra
    cks!! and yes, even jase & puppy. keep up the good work everyone -
    love diane w

  3. These are amazing and inspiring!! I think I'll give it a crack just For me :) thank you for your inspiration. Jodie x

  4. Thanks Jo! Join us if you want, its lots of fun and a really nice way to keep creative every day - just a small gesture, but manageable. XNell
